Data Trend from NEXIO SYSTEM - Jun, 2020
Do you have your own operator evaluation criteria?
Ranking of Single Needle Lockstitch Operating Ratio in Asia – Apr 2019 to Feb 2020
Based on data on more than 300,000 sewing machines in Asia, the distribution of operating ratio is shown in this graph. The average operating ratio is 16.7% and you will be able to use this value to assess the productivity of your factory’s operators. Also, you can find out the level of your operators compared to others in Asia region.
Score Ranking of Productivity
If you would like to do the followings, you can sign up for 1-line assessment offered by Brother and receive a report.
・ To know how a operator ranks within the country
・ To reproduce the same graph in a factory and create evaluation criteria for operators
Brother’s latest IoT system, NEXIO SYSTEM, collects data from one line in your factory and our specialist reports it. It provides you with visual information on the productivity of your factory, including rankings for each operator in Asia and within the country.